Identification Labels

Vehicle Identification Number

You can find the VIN at the following locations:

  • Touch Controls > Software.
  • Stamped on a plate located at the top of the dashboard. Can be seen by looking through the windshield on the driver's side of the vehicle.
    Arrow pointing to the VIN plate on top of the dashboard.
  • Printed on the Vehicle Certification label, located on the door pillar. Can be seen when the driver’s door is open.
    Arrow pointing to the label on the door pillar.

Emission Control Label

The emission control label is located on the opening face of the liftgate.

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
For vehicles with a model year of 2022 or newer, the emission control label is now located on the inside of the front hood and may not match the label shown.
Example of emission control label.