Submerged Vehicle Guidance

Vehicle submersion can be caused by a flood or other extreme weather conditions. Tesla wants to ensure you have the resources should there be a risk of vehicle submersion or if your vehicle experiences submersion in water.

Review these recommendations to help prepare for a potential vehicle submersion, know how to handle a submerged vehicle, and find available resources.

Best Practices to Prepare for Potential Flooding

If a submersion event is in the forecast and it is safe for you to preemptively move your vehicle, Tesla recommends you attempt to move Model Y to a location that is not at risk, or to higher ground. Keep in mind that charging infrastructure may be impacted, so Tesla recommends charging to 100% ahead of time.

However, if you are unable to move your vehicle to an area that is not at risk of flooding, consider the following best practices which may help prevent damage:
  • Make sure to unplug the charger from your vehicle.
  • Reduce the state of charge. This can be done by driving the vehicle ahead of time and leaving it unplugged, or by turning on climate controls or enabling Keep Climate On using your vehicle touchscreen or Tesla mobile app (see Operating Climate Controls). The intention is to have the charge level as low as possible if the vehicle becomes submerged.
  • Change the air suspension (if equipped) and raise the vehicle height to High or Very High prior to leaving the vehicle.
  • Lift the vehicle so that the high voltage Battery is above a potential flood line by raising it on jack stands, cylinder blocks, ramps, etc. Remember to enable Jack Mode with air suspension (if equipped) to avoid damage from self-leveling (see Jacking and Lifting).
  • Leave Model Y in a water-tight car cover, or similar product, specifically designed to protect vehicles from flooding.
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
When driving through high waters, the dust cover may unclasp to relieve pressure. When parked in a safe location, simply re-clasp the dust cover back onto the vehicle.

Handling a Submerged Vehicle

Know what to do if your vehicle, whether it's an electric vehicle or internal combustion engine vehicle, has been exposed to prolonged submersion.

Warning IconA warning icon, calling your attention to a possibly risky situation
If you notice fire, smoke, audible popping/hissing or heating coming from your vehicle, step away and immediately contact your local first responders.
Follow these steps once the vehicle is no longer submerged and is safe to access:
  1. Treat your vehicle as if it has been in an accident and contact your insurance company.
  2. Do not attempt to operate the vehicle until an authorized shop has inspected it. If you are a Tesla vehicle owner, you can schedule your inspection with Tesla Service.
  3. Safely tow the vehicle at least 15 meters from structures or other combustible materials such as other cars and personal property.