Supercharger Voting
How It Works
Vote on Tesla’s next Supercharger site. Every 3-month voting cycle, you can cast multiple votes to help us decide on new Supercharger locations. Check the leaderboard to see which proposed locations are most popular.
By casting your vote, you agree that Tesla may follow up and contact you regarding Supercharging.
Last Season Winner
The winning location will be one of the next locations for a Supercharger site.
Step 1: Cast Your Votes
Cast a total of 5 votes (1 per location) for proposed Supercharger sites.
Step 2: Suggest a Location for the Next Voting Cycle
Suggest a new Supercharger site for the next voting cycle.
Host a Supercharger
Interested in having a Supercharger at your property to generate more business? Apply to get started.