Additional Resources
Anti-Corruption Policy
Last Updated July 2023
Fleet API Agreement
Last Updated November 2024
Fleet Validation Vehicle Privacy Notice
Intellectual Property
Copyright 2002-2025 Tesla, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The text, images, graphics, sound files, animation files, video files and their arrangement on Tesla, Inc. internet sites are all subject to copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these objects be modified or reposted. Some Tesla, Inc. internet sites also contain material that is subject to the copyright rights of their providers.
All prices specified are recommended retail prices. Prices are current at the time of publication and subject to change without notice.
Unless otherwise indicated, all marks displayed on Tesla, Inc. internet sites are subject to the trademark rights of Tesla, Inc., including, but not limited to, model name plates and corporate logos and emblems.
No Licenses
Tesla, Inc. strives to achieve innovative and informative internet sites. Tesla, Inc. hopes that you will be as enthusiastic as we are about this creative effort. However, Tesla, Inc. must protect its intellectual property, including its patents, trademarks and copyrights. Accordingly, please be on notice that neither these internet sites, nor any material contained therein shall in any way grant or be taken to grant any person a license to Tesla, Inc.'s intellectual property.
Cautions Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Internet pages, investor relations releases, outlooks, presentations, audio and video files of events (live or recorded) and other documents on these internet sites contain among other things forward-looking statements that reflect management's current views with respect to future events. The words "anticipate", "assume", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "plan", "project" and "should" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to: changes in currency exchange rates, interest rates and in raw material prices; introduction of competing products; increased sales incentives; and decline in resale prices of used vehicles.
No Warranties Or Representations
List of Tesla Entities for Fleet Validation
Open Source
These are sources for various systems on Tesla Model S, Model X and Model 3. The directory structure is as follows:
Pass-through source drop for the parrot BlueTooth module.
Additional packages:
For Autopilot and Infotainment system image sources, see:
- Main branch is buildroot-2019.02
- See README.Tesla for more information on contents and configurations
For Autopilot and Infotainment kernel sources, see:
- branches:
- intel-4.1: Infotainment Intel kernel
- tegra-2.6: Infotainment Tegra kernel
- tegra-4.4: Infotainment Tegra kernel
- tesla-3.18-hw2: Autopilot Nvidia kernel
- tesla-3.18-hw25: Autopilot Nvidia kernel
- tesla-4.14-hw3: Autopilot Tesla kernel
For Autopilot coreboot sources, see:
- tesla-4.6-hw3
Forthcoming releases and estimated timelines:
- Harman Radio module for Model 3
- Pass-through source drop: Q3 2018
- Cellular modem modules for Model S, Model X and Model 3
- Pass-through source drops: Q3 2018
Patent Pledge
On June 12, 2014, Tesla announced that it will not initiate patent lawsuits against anyone who, in good faith, wants to use its technology. Tesla was created to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport, and this policy is intended to encourage the advancement of a common, rapidly-evolving platform for electric vehicles, thereby benefiting Tesla, other companies making electric vehicles, and the world. These guidelines provide further detail as to how we are implementing this policy.
Tesla’s Pledge
Tesla irrevocably pledges that it will not initiate a lawsuit against any party for infringing a Tesla Patent through activity relating to electric vehicles or related equipment for so long as such party is acting in good faith. Key terms of the Pledge are explained below.
Definition of Key Terms
"Tesla Patents" means all patents owned now or in the future by Tesla (other than a patent owned jointly with a third party or any patent that Tesla later acquires that comes with an encumbrance that prevents it from being subject to this Pledge). A list of Tesla Patents subject to the Pledge will be maintained at the following URL:
A party is "acting in good faith" for so long as such party and its related or affiliated companies have not:
- asserted, helped others assert or had a financial stake in any assertion of (i) any patent or other intellectual property right against Tesla or (ii) any patent right against a third party for its use of technologies relating to electric vehicles or related equipment;
- challenged, helped others challenge, or had a financial stake in any challenge to any Tesla patent; or
- marketed or sold any knock-off product (e.g., a product created by imitating or copying the design or appearance of a Tesla product or which suggests an association with or endorsement by Tesla) or provided any material assistance to another party doing so.
Transfer of Tesla Patents
Should Tesla ever transfer a Tesla Patent to a third party, it will do so only to a party that agrees, by means of a public declaration intended to be binding on such party, to provide the same protection that Tesla provided under the Pledge and to place the same requirement on any subsequent transferee.
Legal Effect
The Pledge, which is irrevocable and legally binding on Tesla and its successors, is a "standstill," meaning that it is a forbearance of enforcement of Tesla’s remedies against any party for claims of infringement for so long as such party is acting in good faith. In order for Tesla to preserve its ability to enforce the Tesla Patents against any party not acting in good faith, the Pledge is not a waiver of any patent claims (including claims for damages for past acts of infringement) and is not a license, covenant not to sue, or authorization to engage in patented activities or a limitation on remedies, damages or claims. Except as expressly stated in the Pledge, no rights shall be deemed granted, waived or received by implication, exhaustion, estoppel or otherwise. Finally, the Pledge is not an indication of the value of an arms-length, negotiated license or a reasonable royalty.
What this pledge means is that as long as someone uses our patents for electric vehicles and doesn’t do bad things, such as knocking off our products or using our patents and then suing us for intellectual property infringement, they should have no fear of Tesla asserting its patents against them.
Check if your vehicle is affected by a recall.
Tesla Business Account Platform Terms of Use
Last Updated April 2022
Tesla Code of Business Ethics
Last Updated April 29, 2024
Tesla Global Environmental, Health, Safety & Security (EHS&S) Policy
Tesla’s EHS&S mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy by safely building, selling, servicing, and delivering all-electric vehicles, and infinitely scalable, clean energy generation and storage products.
Tesla’s EHS&S Vision is to accelerate to a sustainable tomorrow, being safe, fair, and fun today.
Tesla’s EHS&S values are simple and absolute:
- Do the right thing
- EHS&S is a shared responsibility, and it starts with me
- EHS&S is a part of everything we do
Principles and Objectives
We value and protect people, planet, property, and products by maintaining a safe, healthy, secure, and environmentally conscious workplace without compromise for production or profit. In support of Tesla’s mission and guidelines, anyone performing work for Tesla, whether on behalf of Tesla or at a Tesla location, is expected to incorporate and demonstrate the following EHS&S principles and objectives:
- Value human life.
- Be the conscience of the organization.
- Lead by example.
- Speak up, escalate issues early and loudly.
- Foster a culture of trust and respect.
- Be prepared, aware and ready to respond.
- Comply with laws and regulations.
- Proactively reduce risks.
- Engage with, and encourage participation from, our employees and stakeholders.
- Strive to reduce environmental impact.
- Proactively reduce risks by applying the hierarchy of controls and inherent safety design principles.
- Practice socially and environmentally responsible planning and decision-making.
- Embrace human and organizational performance through learning and continuous improvement.
- Verify and validate controls and safeguards.
- Utilize first principle thinking to solve problems innovatively and quickly.
- Provide transparent reporting.
- Recognize and reward EHS&S excellence.
Tesla Global Human Rights Policy
Introduction and Scope
The ethical treatment of all people and regard for human rights is core to Tesla’s mission of a sustainable future for all. This Global Human Rights Policy (“Policy”) is applicable to both our own operations and our supply chain, and includes the communities impacted by our operations and our supply chain. We take seriously our responsibility to respect human rights and expect those with whom we work to do the same.
This Policy is the formalization of our commitment to uphold, respect, and embed human rights and the values they represent throughout our business as we accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. Tesla recognizes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (“UDHR”), which focuses on dignity, respect, and equality, without discrimination, for all people. We also utilize the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The Policy outlines the core standards and expectations we have established for our facilities, business units, employees, suppliers, and business partners in the area of human rights. Tesla defines our suppliers as all companies or individuals involved in a supply chain producing goods and services for Tesla, whether directly or indirectly, as well as their personnel, agents, and subcontractors, referred to hereinafter as “suppliers.” The Policy is incorporated into our Tesla Code of Business Ethics, and all Tesla employees and contractors are required to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with this Policy. It is also embedded in our Supplier Code of Conduct, and we expect our suppliers and business partners to implement effective systems to adhere to this Policy.
Where national law and international human rights standards differ, we will follow the higher standard; where they are in conflict, we will adhere to national law, while seeking ways to respect international human rights to the greatest extent possible.
Tesla periodically reviews and updates its Policy and associated processes. Every two years, Tesla engages in a holistic review of our Policy with cross-functional representatives from Compliance, Community Relations, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Employee Relations, Environmental Health & Safety, Global Trade Compliance, Human Resources, Investor Relations, Legal, Public Policy & Business Development, Product Safety, Responsible Sourcing, Sustainability, and Supply Chain to keep the policy up-to-date and reflective of Tesla’s growing operations.
Our work to respect human rights throughout our supply chain is overseen internally by executive representatives from Supply Chain, Investor Relations, and Public Policy & Business Development. We also engage external groups on a regular basis to provide feedback on our approach to responsible sourcing.
Tesla is committed to upholding and respecting all internationally recognized human rights and the values they represent throughout our direct operations and supply chain – including with respect to our employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, and the communities in which we live and operate. We seek to avoid causing or contributing to actual or potential adverse human rights impacts, and we expect our suppliers to also support and promote these values in their own operations and those of their suppliers.
Assessing and addressing human rights risks is an ongoing effort that involves engaging with and incorporating input from external stakeholders of potential impact, including stakeholders impacted by our operations and our supply chain, as well as reviewing and updating our policies and procedures where necessary. With this understanding, Tesla is committed to addressing any potential adverse human rights impacts. We seek to remedy adverse impacts, track and measure our progress, and report our findings.
In fulfilling our responsibility to respect human rights, we are committed to implementing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We conduct human rights due diligence to identify risks and work to mitigate them. We acknowledge that some groups are more vulnerable than others; our Policy and associated efforts take care to respect those most vulnerable or marginalized.
Salient Human Rights Issues
The following topics are based on recognized international human rights standards and reflect several salient human rights issues we have identified in our operations and supply chain. Tesla regularly updates this list as regional contexts change or as we update our Policy. Our respect for human rights is not limited to these topics.
Health and Safety
(Aligned with UDHR Article: 3)
Health and safety are fundamental values at Tesla. Our efforts to ensure a healthy and safe workplace reinforce our commitment to human rights.
Tesla is committed to conducting all aspects of business in a manner that protects the safety and health of employees, contractors, customers, suppliers, and the public. We strive to minimize injuries and illnesses, as well as property loss or business interruption caused by accidents, fire, or other hazards.
Tesla is dedicated to providing quality equipment, access to clean water, safe tools, and necessary protective equipment to keep employees safe. Employees engage to identify potential hazards, anticipate exposures and risks, and act to eliminate or control potential workplace hazards. Tesla provides ongoing safety information, training, and the necessary resources to maintain a safe working environment. Employees are empowered to stop work if unsafe conditions or behaviors are observed, so corrections can be made to complete the job safely.
We expect all employees to cooperate fully with our safety measures and actively participate to keep each other safe. Our employees are encouraged to communicate with each other and with management when unsafe acts are observed or if there is potential for an unsafe working environment. Through personal commitment and excellent communication, we strive to maintain a safe and productive place to work. Tesla will not compromise any health or safety requirements for profit or production. This is reinforced by the principles and objectives detailed in our Global Environmental, Health, Safety & Security (EHS&S) Policy.
Tesla similarly requires its suppliers to ensure that their employees and contractors are provided with a healthy and safe work environment. Suppliers are required to comply with working hours as defined in our Supplier Code of Conduct. Overtime work must be consensual, and in compliance with local laws, be paid at a premium rate. Tesla’s Supplier Code of Conduct provides additional guidance on our expectations and regulatory compliance procedures for supply chain health and safety.
Forced Labor, Modern Slavery, and Human Trafficking
(Aligned with UDHR Articles: 4, 5, 23)
Tesla recognizes the International Labour Organization (ILO) definitions for forced labor, modern slavery, and human trafficking and has zero tolerance for any form of such abuses, including debt bondage, indentured labor, and compulsory prison labor. We are committed to ensuring that our supply chain – from raw materials to final products – is free of such abuses.
We establish comprehensive policies, monitor our suppliers, and put in place robust procedures to help ensure that no one is forced to work. We take a systematic approach to identifying and addressing risk in the supply chain and utilize the indicators of forced labor defined by the ILO. We maintain awareness of geographic risks, labor trends, and other factors through sources such as industry groups, NGOs, suppliers, workers, reputable media sources, and other stakeholders. We train employees on forced labor awareness and prevention and require suppliers to help in our efforts to end abuses.
We will not tolerate any transporting, harboring, recruiting, transferring, or receiving of persons by means of threat, force, coercion, abduction, or fraud for labor or services. No worker may be coerced to work or subjected to physical punishment or threats of violence or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological, or verbal abuse as a method of discipline or control. We also do not allow any direct or indirect control tactics, including threats, corporal punishment, or economic, emotional, or familial abuse at our facilities nor in the facilities of our suppliers.
All workers have the right to freedom of movement, and the conditions of employment must not restrict their movement through the retention of identity papers, holding of deposits, accommodation requirements, or any other action aimed at restricting worker mobility.
In line with the Employer Pays Principle, no worker should be required to pay recruitment or other similar fees to secure or retain their employment. Tesla does not allow the use of recruitment fees or other related fees for employment such as application, recruiting, hiring, placement, or processing fees, from workers. The cost of recruitment should be borne by the employer. If workers are found to have paid recruitment fees or other related fees for employment, Tesla requires the reimbursement of the full cost of such fees.
Where we find any violation of our policies, we take swift action to remedy the issue and improve supplier operations and conditions for workers. Tesla considers indicators of Forced Labor to be the highest severity of non-conformances and thereby prioritizes responding to these risks. Generally, we work in partnership with suppliers to review root causes, and as appropriate, approve plans to improve, remediate, and monitor evidence of improvement and worker engagement. There are certain gross violations of human rights where Tesla will disengage with a supplier and not re-engage until evidence of remediation is provided and the supplier has strengthened its management system to prevent future violations.
Child Labor and Young Workers
(Aligned with UDHR Articles: 4, 5, 25, 26)
We respect the rights of children and young workers. Tesla prohibits the use of child labor in our operations and supply chain. Tesla strictly follows local and national laws restricting the employment of underage workers. Regardless of local laws, no workers at a facility or location that provides materials or services for Tesla or Tesla products may be under the age of 15. We require our suppliers and third-party recruitment services to verify the age and identity of workers at the time of hiring to ensure that they comply with the International Labour Organization requirements for minimum age for admission to employment and are therefore entitled to work. We also require suppliers and third-party recruitment services to have processes in place to responsibly remediate any potential policy violations.
Tesla encourages the development of potential future employees using internships or student worker programs. However, these programs should be designed for the benefit of, and include training for, the students. Participants in such programs may not perform work that is likely to endanger their health or safety, including night shifts or overtime. All participants must be fairly compensated for their work based on local laws.
Should a case of child labor be identified within our supply chain – as defined by local law or younger than 15, whichever is more stringent – Tesla will take immediate action and ensure appropriate remediation, including enrollment of the child in an education program. If workers under the age of 18 (young workers) are found to be involved in hazardous work, they are removed immediately from the situation and provided alternative work that is age appropriate and not hazardous. Tesla is committed to ensuring that no workers under the age of 18 are performing hazardous or harmful work.
In implementation of this policy, Tesla will work to strengthen supplier capabilities, particularly that of small and medium enterprises, to conduct effective due diligence on child labor risks—including the worst forms of child labor.
Respectful Workplace and Equal Opportunities
(Aligned with UDHR Articles: 1, 7, 23)
Tesla is committed to treating everyone with respect by creating and maintaining a respectful and inclusive workplace. In conformance with local law, Tesla respects the right of workers to form and join trade unions of their own choosing or choose to refrain or to form and join other employee representative bodies if applicable, to bargain collectively, and to engage in peaceful assembly as well as respect the right of workers to refrain from such activities.
Tesla recognizes the value of different backgrounds and perspectives in our workforce, and fully promotes equal opportunity for all employees, both current and prospective. Just as we do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, national origin, disability, medical condition, military and veteran status, marital status, pregnancy or any other characteristic protected by law, regulation or ordinance, we require our suppliers to similarly respect the people in their workforces. Tesla incorporates diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) with a human-centered, data-driven approach to enable a respectful workplace and provide equal opportunities. Additional information on our supplier expectations relating to a respectful workplace and equal opportunities can be found in our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Environmental Protection
(Aligned with UDHR Article: 25)
In our own operations and throughout our extended supply chain, Tesla strives to minimize the negative impact to the environment. At Tesla, we recognize that environmental conservation, along with aspects of climate change impacts, renewable energy procurement and electrification, air quality, water stewardship, waste management and recycling, deforestation prevention and biodiversity conservation are each inextricable from human rights. We expect our suppliers to share our goal of recognizing environmental protection as a key principle of a sustainable future. Additional information on our supplier expectations relating to environmental protection can be found in our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Relationship with Communities & Indigenous Rights
(Aligned with UDHR Article: 27)
Tesla is dedicated to being an active member of the communities in which we live and operate. In addition to our ability to create jobs and contribute to local economic and technological advancement, we leverage the value that the relationships in our ecosystem add to the community. We expect our employees, customers, suppliers, and partners to make every effort to continuously improve the positive aspects of their work while reducing any negative impact of their operations on local communities, including environmental, social, cultural, and other quality of life factors. We encourage open stakeholder communication with local communities (e.g. via public information sessions and engagement on an ongoing basis with civil society organizations such as youth clubs or local associations) always with an emphasis to jointly develop projects and activities that support our mission and have a positive impact on our local partners.
Raw material extraction has historically had an adverse impact on the rights of indigenous peoples and communities in the areas in which they operate. For all raw material extraction and processing used in Tesla products, we expect our suppliers to engage with legitimate representatives of indigenous communities and respect their right to grant or withhold free, prior, and informed consent for their operations.
Product Safety
(Aligned with UDHR Article: 3)
Human error is the major factor in over 90 percent of fatal automobile crashes. Automated vehicle safety technology promises a future in which vehicles increasingly help drivers avoid crashes. Tesla has been a driving force in development of these life-saving technologies. Tesla product design and engineering culture is built on a foundation of safety.
Tesla believes that having the option to purchase fundamentally safe vehicles and energy products is a human right; we are committed to innovating, designing, manufacturing, and delivering safe products. Safety informs every decision and has guided our battery module design and manufacturing for vehicle and energy storage applications. But Tesla’s commitment does not stop there. We are striving to continuously learn and improve, through mitigation, control hazards, and innovative practices. For example, innovative use of big data and over-the-air updates allow us to respond to and learn from the experiences of our customers.
Tesla focuses on many aspects of vehicle safety, including: active safety—which can prevent or mitigate foreseeable crashes; passive safety—protecting occupants including children, pedestrians, cyclists, and other vulnerable road-users when a collision is unavoidable; and post-crash safety—supporting first responders. Our Data Driven Safety program uses vehicles’ suite of sensors to collect real world accident data so teams can identify crash modes not represented in either regulation or safety ratings but may occur in the real world. Although technology today does not provide a means to eliminate all injuries and fatalities, the path we envision is one that significantly reduces highway crashes and mitigates injuries when crashes do happen. Through these lenses of safety, it is our hope to maintain our reputation as the leader in reducing the probability of injury, inside and outside our vehicles. Tesla also promotes safety advances by sharing best practices to inspire the automotive industry.
Tesla designs and tests its energy storage and solar products to ensure they mitigate and control hazards under all conditions. While any product that stores energy, like a battery, can experience a failure, our products have met and exceeded many industry safety standards and have consistently demonstrated through extensive third-party testing that they are some of the safest systems on the market.
Responsible Artificial Intelligence
(Aligned with UDHR Article: 3, 12)
Tesla is committed to the responsible development of artificial intelligence with respect for human rights. In line with our commitment to product safety, our use of artificial intelligence will focus on improving safety for our employees, our customers and the communities where our products operate. Tesla is not developing digital super-intelligence.
In the long term, Tesla recognizes the risk of centralized control of a vast fleet of autonomous vehicles. If ill-intentioned state or non-state actors gain power over such a fleet, this will not accrue to the good of humanity.
Therefore, to serve the best interests of civilization, Tesla believes in a balance between local override capability and centralized control.
Grievance and Remedy
(Aligned with UDHR Article: 8)
Tesla is committed to providing avenues for rights holders and rights defenders to raise potential concerns. We place importance on the provision of effective remedies if a human rights impact were to occur. In such instances, Tesla aims to implement updates to systems, due diligence processes, and practices to prevent similar adverse impacts in the future. As with other processes and systems, Tesla works to continually improve our grievance and remedy processes.
We encourage employees to raise concerns, and Tesla does not tolerate retaliation in any form for good faith reporting or participation in investigations. An employee can raise concerns or complaints to any member of management, Human Resources, Employee Relations, or Legal Compliance. Tesla utilizes a tracking system to document concerns raised by employees to ensure follow-through and resolution. The case management system allows the appropriate teams to review data and consider proactive solutions. Tesla also has an Integrity Line reporting system that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The Tesla Integrity Line is a third-party-managed helpline available to employees, contractors, and third parties including suppliers, their employees, community members, and other stakeholders. As a Tesla grievance mechanism that can be used to report concerns anonymously, the Integrity Line is a powerful tool to report concerns relating to illegal conduct, unethical behavior, or human rights violations, including child or forced labor. When a concern is raised through the Integrity Line, Tesla works with stakeholders to address or improve conditions raised, as appropriate to the case. For more information about the Tesla Integrity Line, see our Additional Resources page linked below.
We strive to build the awareness and knowledge of our employees and supply chain workers on human rights, encouraging all to speak up, without retribution, about concerns they may have. We are committed to continually increasing the capacity of our management to effectively identify and respond to concerns.
Tesla seeks to apply leverage and encourage responsible parties to assess conditions and implement corrective actions, even in circumstances where Tesla is not directly linked to an identified adverse impact. We would take action to influence any adverse impacts that could be linked to us and would consider engaging with peers and other partners on collective remedies, including collaboration with suppliers.
We expect our suppliers and their respective suppliers to implement an effective grievance management system for their operations, reaching suppliers’ workers and their legitimate representatives. Suppliers must prohibit retaliation against individuals who raise concerns. Through third-party assessments, we evaluate whether grievance mechanisms and channels for workers to raise concerns are adequate, effective, and accessible. Tesla encourages its suppliers to consult potential or actual users on the design, implementation, or performance of their mechanisms.
In instances where stakeholders prefer mechanisms outside of those operated by Tesla, other external grievance mechanisms are available such as the Responsible Business Alliance’s Grievance Mechanism, the Responsible Minerals Initiative’s Grievance Mechanism, and the non-judicial grievance mechanism operated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development—the OECD National Contact Points for Responsible Business Conduct.
Transparency and Reporting
As recommended by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we commit to transparent reporting about our efforts and progress. We report our performance publicly in several ways, including in our Impact Report, Modern Slavery, and Conflict Minerals disclosures.
- Additional Resources: Integrity Line
- Employer Pays Principle
- International Labour Organization Indicators of Forced Labor
- International Labour Organization Fundamental Convention No. 138, Minimum Age Convention
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development National Contact Points for Responsible Business Conduct
- Responsible Business Alliance’s Grievance Mechanism
- Responsible Minerals Initiative’s Grievance Mechanism
- Tesla Code of Business Ethics
- Tesla Conflict Minerals Report
- Tesla Global Environmental, Health, Safety & Security (EHS&S) Policy
- Tesla Impact Report
- Tesla Supplier Code of Conduct
- United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Last Updated April 2024
Tesla Integrity Line
The Tesla Integrity Line is a third-party-managed helpline available to employees, contractors and third parties including suppliers, their employees, community members and other stakeholders. The Integrity Line is one of Tesla’s grievance mechanisms that can be used to report concerns, especially those relating to Tesla’s policies against illegal conduct, unethical behavior or human rights violations including child or forced labor.
The Integrity Line is available in approximately 60 languages and is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, allowing anyone to report concerns anonymously and without fear of retaliation. Access the Integrity Line. The use of our Integrity Line does not preclude access to judicial and non-judicial mechanisms.
Tesla employees have a responsibility to maintain trust in Tesla. Employees must report violations of the Code of Business Ethics, Supplier Code of Conduct, Human Rights Policy, other company policies or the law to their manager, Human Resources Partner, Compliance (, Legal, Internal Audit or the Tesla Integrity Line. Intentionally reporting false information is contrary to Tesla’s values and Tesla’s Code of Business Ethics; employees involved in such actions will be subject to appropriate discipline.
When a question or concern is submitted through the Integrity Line, you will receive an access number and create a password. You will be notified of updates through the portal through which you submitted your concern and may be asked to provide additional information after submission. The Integrity Line also offers international numbers if you prefer to submit a concern over the phone. Concerns reported over the phone can be made anonymously as well.
Tesla takes all concerns raised in good faith seriously. All matters are promptly and appropriately investigated by the appropriate team of professionals. Concerns related to responsible sourcing and human rights are directed to Tesla’s Responsible Sourcing team. Tesla’s aim is to acknowledge concerns within 72 hours and resolve cases within 30 days. Some cases may require additional time.
To protect confidentiality and the integrity of the investigative process, information is shared on an “as need to know” basis and careful attention is paid to avoid negatively affecting the person that raised the concern throughout the investigation. There is follow-up in the Integrity Line system so the reporter is made aware that their concern was appropriately addressed and closed. As applicable, we work with stakeholders to address or improve conditions raised.
Tesla does not tolerate retaliation in any form against employees or third parties who report concerns in good faith or participate in investigations. We also expect our suppliers to prohibit retaliation against workers and other stakeholders (including those that represent them) for raising concerns. We treat all individuals with respect.
Tesla Responsible Sourcing
Below are Tesla’s policies related to responsible sourcing.
Responsible Sourcing Policy
Introduction and Scope
In line with Tesla’s mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy, Tesla is committed to ensuring that companies in our supply chain respect human rights and protect the environment. We strive to maximize the positive impact of our supply chain for people and the planet. Our goal is that wherever Tesla’s supply chain has an impact, local conditions for stakeholders continuously improve as a result of our purchasing decisions and relationships. This Responsible Sourcing Policy (“Policy”) is applicable for all materials and all sourcing regardless of sourcing location, and therefore constitutes our policy for conflict minerals (columbite-tantalite (tantalum), cassiterite (tin), gold, wolframite (tungsten), and any derivatives of these, also known as “3TG”)), for which Tesla files an annual report in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
We require all companies or individuals involved in a supply chain producing goods and services for Tesla, whether directly or indirectly, as well as their personnel, agents, and subcontractors, referred to hereinafter as “suppliers,” to conduct their worldwide operations in a responsible manner, consistent with Tesla’s mission to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. Suppliers are contractually bound to adhere to this Policy, our Global Human Rights Policy, and our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Tesla periodically reviews and updates its Policy and any associated processes with the aim of continuous improvement. Every two years, Tesla engages in a holistic review of our Policy with cross-functional representatives to keep the Policy up-to-date and reflective of Tesla’s growing operations. We also engage external groups on a regular basis to seek feedback on this Policy and our responsible sourcing efforts.
Our responsible sourcing efforts are overseen internally by executive representatives from Supply Chain, Investor Relations, and Public Policy & Business Development. We regularly report on progress and review our responsible sourcing efforts with cross-functional representatives from Compliance, Environmental Health & Safety, Global Trade Compliance, Internal Audit, Legal, Public Policy & Business Development, and Sustainability, among others, to keep other areas of the organization informed of our efforts and support with prioritization of our efforts to maximize impact.
Tesla follows the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (“OECD”) Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (“CAHRAs”) when identifying, mitigating, and reporting risks within our value chain.
Tesla requires its suppliers to establish policies, due diligence frameworks, and management systems consistent with these frameworks.
In line with these frameworks, we commit to:
- Adopting, widely disseminating, and incorporating in contracts and/or agreements with suppliers this Policy and our responsible sourcing expectations;
- Identifying and regularly revisiting the identification of priority raw materials with higher materiality and risk for adverse social and environmental impacts;
- Collecting information and data from primary and secondary sources to identify potential environmental and social risks, red flags, and/or adverse impacts, including through grievance mechanisms that provide an avenue for rights holders and rights defenders to raise potential concerns;
- Conduct supply chain mapping, tracing, and due diligence on parties in Tesla’s upstream supply chain for evidence of complicity in human rights abuses;
- Where a reasonable risk exists, identifying priority engagement areas and immediately devise, adopt, and implement a risk management/mitigation plan with reasonable timescales in the view of continuous improvement;
- Whenever possible, source from suppliers that undergo audits against relevant third-party audit programs and/or require their respective suppliers to undergo such audits to be determined by Tesla on an ongoing basis. For example, for 3TG, we expect suppliers to source from smelters or refiners that have engaged in the Responsible Minerals Assurance Program (RMAP) and set similar expectations with their suppliers;
- When managing non-compliance, as appropriate, first engage our suppliers, business partners, central or local government authorities, international organizations, civil society, affected stakeholders, and third parties to drive corrective actions that help address the underlying issues and build capacity;
- Where direct engagement does not lead to meaningful progress and/or where there is insufficient evidence or lack of viability for the immediate and appropriate mitigation of serious abuses, consider all appropriate forms of leverage, including the reduction and/or termination of supply agreement and/or suspension or discontinued engagement with suppliers;
- Collaborating with other companies and industry initiatives where collective approaches to risk identification and/or mitigation are appropriate; and
- Reporting at least annually on risks identified and risk mitigation actions taken.
Tesla will work collaboratively with our suppliers to ensure diligent implementation of the requirements set forth herein and will verify and enforce compliance fairly and consistently when necessary. We will support efforts of others, or take steps ourselves, to engage with relevant authorities, international organizations, and civil society organizations to contribute to improved conditions in our supply chain. Tesla recognizes the importance of continuing to source from potentially high-risk contexts, including for example, the Democratic Republic of the Congo or other CAHRAs; practicing risk mitigation is a preferred path than to embargo or terminate sourcing due to the importance of material production to livelihoods in those areas.
We require our suppliers to set similar or stricter commitments. Tesla's suppliers are required to use reasonable efforts to ensure that products supplied to Tesla do not contribute to armed conflict, human rights abuses, or environmental degradation, regardless of sourcing location.
Salient Responsible Sourcing Issues
Among the topics covered in our Global Human Rights Policy and our Supplier Code of Conduct, and in alignment with OECD expectations, we will not tolerate, contribute to, or facilitate the commission by any party in our supply chain of:
- Non-compliance with applicable laws and regulations relating to the production, trade, handling, transport, and export of materials, including procedures for employee health and safety, and the payment of taxes, fees, and royalties owed to governments;
- Any forms of forced or compulsory labor, which means work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of penalty and for which said person has not offered themselves voluntarily
- Including serious human rights abuses associated with the production/extraction, transport, or trade of materials, particularly, but not limited to, for materials from CAHRAs;
- Child labor;
- Serious negative/adverse impacts on the environment and biodiversity, including
- Air and water pollution,
- Deforestation,
- Lack of greenhouse gas emissions management,
- Lack of climate-related risk management,
- The use of hazardous substances, and
- Inappropriate waste management;
- Serious negative/adverse impacts on local communities and/or insufficient community engagement, including disrespecting indigenous rights or with regards to environmental, social, and other quality of life factors;
- The lack or inadequacy of measures to provide employees and contractors with a safe, healthy, respectful, and fair work environment, allowing for equal opportunities and safe waste management, including proper tailings management for mining operations;
- Corruption, bribery, fraudulent misrepresentation of the origin of materials, money laundering, and conflicts of interest;
- Any forms of torture, cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment;
- Conflict financing and non-compliance with relevant United Nations sanctions resolutions or, where applicable, domestic laws implementing such resolution;
- War crimes or other serious violations of international humanitarian law, including crimes against humanity and genocide;
- Direct or indirect support to non-state armed groups, public or private security forces, or their affiliates, including, but not limited to, the procurement of materials, making payments, or otherwise providing logistical assistance or equipment to those who:
- Illegally control production sites or otherwise illegally control transportation routes, points where materials are traded, and/or upstream actors in the supply chain,
- Illegally tax or extort money or materials at points of access to production sites, along transportation routes, or at points where materials are traded,
- Illegally tax or extort intermediaries, export companies, or international traders, and/or
- Do not act in accordance with the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights; and
- The exposure of vulnerable groups to adverse impacts associated with the presence of security forces, public or private, on production sites.
We require our suppliers to set similar or stricter commitments. Suppliers must agree to ensure transparency, remedy any shortcomings, and drive continuous improvement.
Last Updated April 2023
Supplier Code of Conduct
Last Updated July 2021
Global Human Rights Policy
Tesla Transparency Reports
Below are Tesla’s transparency reports related to responsible sourcing.
Canada Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act Statement
Last Updated June 2024
Conflict Minerals Report
Last Updated May 2024
German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act Policy Statement
Last Updated October 2023
Unsupported Vehicle Policy
The Unsupported Vehicle Policy defines a vehicle as one that Tesla considers unsafe for service or fast charging. Factors that can determine this include being declared a total loss, commonly after extensive damage caused by a crash, flooding, fire, or similar hazard, and has been (or qualifies to be) registered and/or titled by its owner as a salvaged-titled, rebuilt-titled, or junk-titled vehicle, or its equivalent pursuant to local jurisdiction or industry practice.
Tesla uses resources including, but not limited to, the following to confirm whether or not the vehicle has been or should be classified as unsupported:
- Government or regulatory agencies
- Insurance companies
- Tesla Approved Collision Centers and Tesla Service Centers
- Results of other internal investigations
- Independent vehicle history agencies (for example, Experian Auto Check)
- Internet forums and vehicle auction sites
Tesla does not warrant the safety or operability of unsupported vehicles. After a vehicle has been declared a total loss or has been classified as an unsupported vehicle, repairs performed to bring the vehicle back into service may not meet Tesla standards or specifications, and any failures, damages, or injuries occurring as a result of such repairs are the sole responsibility of the vehicle owner.
Tesla does not recommend purchasing an unsupported Tesla vehicle, which includes those with salvage titles. Vehicles with clean titles may still be classified as unsupported. Until Tesla can confirm that the vehicle complies with Tesla’s safety standards and vehicle specifications, Tesla does not perform or support repairs involving the high voltage battery systems in the vehicle because of the potential for the unsupported vehicle to have sustained damage that:
- Makes the vehicle unsafe to drive
- Makes the vehicle unsafe for any repair technicians that might work on the vehicle
- Might damage Tesla equipment, such as Superchargers
When a vehicle is classified as an unsupported vehicle:
- Any Tesla limited warranties and extended service agreements for the vehicle are permanently void.
NOTE: Repairs due to recalls will be performed unless the safe repair of the vehicle is prevented either by the condition of the vehicle or by vehicle modifications not installed by Tesla. If the Tesla Service Center determines that the vehicle is not safe to repair, the recall-related repair will not be performed until the customer has returned the vehicle to a condition that the Service Center determines is safe to repair. - Fast charging is disabled. This will include Tesla Supercharging and any third-party fast charging infrastructure.
- Tesla may perform safety inspections (at the customer’s request and expense) on the vehicle to determine if the high voltage related components are safe to work on, access, and/or be used for charging again.
- Parts availability is not affected. Any Unrestricted or Over-the-Counter part may be purchased for an unsupported vehicle.
- Usage of the mobile application is supported for unsupported vehicles.
For more information about this policy, please contact a Tesla Service Center.
What You Need to Know if You Use Dogecoin
We hope you’re excited to use Dogecoin to purchase eligible Tesla products! You can find a ton of helpful information here and in the Dogecoin FAQ. Please read both carefully because, when you use Dogecoin to purchase from us, you’re agreeing to everything said here and in the FAQ.
Dogecoin Payments Are Irreversible. That’s just the way the Dogecoin network works — no do-overs. So please make sure you enter the correct Dogecoin price in the amount field and the correct Dogecoin wallet address in the recipient field.
Underpayments and Overpayments. It’s your responsibility to make sure your Dogecoin payment matches the purchase price we give you. The Dogecoin price will expire after some time; and if it expires before you finish the payment process, you might have to start over, which could result in a new Dogecoin price. If you don’t send the exact Dogecoin price we list, we might cancel your order and refund you. And this is important: please don’t overpay us - if you enter an amount MORE than the Dogecoin price, we might not be able to return the extra amount. Also, we might not always accept Dogecoin as a payment method.
Refunds. If you’re entitled to a refund, we can refund to you either (1) the exact Dogecoin amount that you entered when you made the purchase or (2) the original U.S. Dollar price of the purchase. And it’s up to us which one happens; you don’t get to choose (we might choose one option over the other to try to get you your refund quicker). But that also means the risk is all on you if the Dogecoin value changes between the time you made the purchase and the time you get the refund (in the form we choose). So, for example, if we refund you in Dogecoin, the value of that Dogecoin amount might be a lot less than it was when you paid it to us; and if we refund you in U.S. Dollar, that U.S. Dollar amount might be a lot less than the current market value of the Dogecoin amount you used to make your payment.
Obeying the Law. If you use Dogecoin, you have to obey all the laws that apply to your use of Dogecoin. Plus, you understand that we may request information from you for the purposes of verifying your identity and the detection of money laundering, terrorist financing, fraud, or any other financial crimes. You agree:
- to give us all information that we ask for (so that we can verify who you are) and that it is 100% accurate (and you’ll update us if any information changes);
- to give us permission to ask others for information about you to verify you are who you say you are and to take action to verify your identity and protect us all against fraud or financial crime; and
- to allow us to share your personal information with credit bureaus or with government agencies that investigate fraud or financial crime (for information on how we handle your information, please see Tesla's Privacy Notice at