Servis Merkezi
Tesla Service Reno-Sparks
9732 S Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89511
From Interstate 580, take the exit toward S Meadows Pkwy and then turn west to stay on S Meadows Pkwy. Next turn onto S Virginia St heading north. After traveling 1/5 of a mile, take a right onto South Meadows Marketplace Dr. and then a left at the large, plaza sign. Follow the road until you reach Tesla on the right-hand side (approximately 750ft).

E-posta ve Telefon NumarasıRenoSparksService@tesla.com775-453-7957
Yol Yardımı(877) 798-3752

Servis Merkezi Çalışma Saatleri
Pazartesi - Pazar
08:00 - 17:00