Framtíðin er sjálfvirk

Lykillinn að sjálfbærri framtíð er lýðræðisvæðing samgangna. Það gerum við með því að gera akstur sparneytnari, ódýrari og öruggari. Sjálfvirknin býður upp slíka framtíð, í dag.

Sjálfvirkni fyrir alla

Framtíð sjálfvirkninnar og gervigreindarinnar raungerist í framleiðslu sjálfvirkra ökutækja og vélmenna.

Kynntu þér sjálfvirkni
Fáðu nýjustu fréttir af fullri sjálfkeyrslugetu (undir eftirliti).
Fáðu nýjustu fréttir af fullri sjálfkeyrslugetu (undir eftirliti).

0% APR Available for Model 3 and Model Y

Model 3

0% APR promotional rate available for well-qualified buyers with excellent credit who order a new Model 3 between December 3 and December 15, 2024, and take delivery through December 31, 2024. Available only for 36-month term and requires a minimum down payment of 20% ($7,500 Federal tax credit will be applied, if eligible). Monthly payment of $27.78 per $1,000 financed at 0% for 36 months. Not all applicants will qualify. Promotion is subject to change or end at any time, and cannot be applied retroactively. Used vehicles and enterprise sales not eligible.

Model Y

0% APR promotional rate available for well-qualified buyers with excellent credit who order a new Model Y between December 3 and December 15, 2024, and take delivery through December 31, 2024. Available only for terms up to 60 months and requires a minimum down payment of 20% ($7,500 Federal tax credit will be applied, if eligible). Monthly payment of $16.67 per $1,000 financed at 0% for 60 months. Not all applicants will qualify. Promotion is subject to change or end at any time, and cannot be applied retroactively. Used vehicles and enterprise sales not eligible.