Tesla App Support

Tesla app on phone

With the Tesla app, you can access your Tesla vehicle from anywhere. Download the iOS or Android app and sign in with your Tesla Account email address and password.

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To use the available features in the Tesla app, your vehicle must be delivered, and you must have mobile app access enabled. If you have placed an order and are preparing to take delivery, you can access your Tesla Account and explore videos from the app.

Access Vehicle and Climate Controls

Lock and unlock with phone key, manage climate controls and check for software updates. In cold weather conditions, precondition and defrost your vehicle directly from the app.

Stay Charged

Check your range from anywhere, set your charge limit and view your charging history. On the road, use the app to find charging stations near you.

Understand Your Charge Stats

Analyze your vehicle’s charging behavior and view the estimated savings along with average costs spent based on the type of charging for your vehicle.

Manage Payment and Account Information

Make payments and keep track of your charging and Shop order history. Use Wallet to view, add and remove payment methods associated with your Tesla Account.

Schedule Service

Schedule service and track your appointment status.


To access the Tesla app, your energy products must be installed and powered on. Learn more to get started with the Tesla app for energy products.

Customize and Control Powerwall

Use various control modes and features to meet your specific energy needs. Customize how your Powerwall is charged and discharged with features such as Self-Powered, Time-Based Control and more.

Set Backup Reserve During Grid Outages

Enable your Powerwall to provide backup energy protection in the event of a grid outage. Customize your reserve percentage based on your personal energy needs and security outlook.

Troubleshoot and Get Help

Use the Tesla app to get help and troubleshoot your Powerwall. You can also access owner documents, view frequently asked questions and browse additional support articles to learn more about your energy products.

Tesla Shop
Explore Tesla Shop

Tesla Shop is available in the Tesla app. Purchase charging equipment, vehicle accessories, Tesla branded merchandise and more.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions Show All Hide All