If you are interested in trading in your vehicle before placing an order, you can get an estimate for your trade-in vehicle. To request an estimate, a Tesla Account is required and you must submit the following:
- VIN number
- Mileage shown on the odometer
- Model year
- Vehicle configuration
- Registration number
- First registration date
- Information on VAT regime
Once you have provided this information, we will send you an estimate of your trade-in vehicle. An estimate is a non-binding estimation of potential trade-in value of the trade-in vehicle presented by Tesla. This estimate is for information purposes only and is based on the vehicle, the information provided by the seller with the request for an estimate and on general market data at the time of the request.
You can also request an offer for your trade-in vehicle after you place your order of a Tesla vehicle. We will provide you with an offer subject to you providing the same information required for the estimate and additional information listed in Section 3.1 of the Trade-In Terms and Conditions. You will be notified by email or in the Tesla app when your trade-in offer is ready.
If you accept the trade-in offer, you must upload a photo of a valid registration card and your vehicle registration papers. Once your vehicle registration documents are confirmed and approved, you can schedule your delivery date.
The trade-in vehicle must be free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. If your trade-in vehicle is financed, you must provide a settlement letter from the financing entity.
Your trade-in offer can be applied towards the purchase price of your new or used Tesla vehicle.
To trade in your vehicle, you must hand over the vehicle, registration documents and a lien release if applicable during your delivery appointment.