Wall Connector Access Control

Charging Access Control is a firmware feature for the Gen 3 Wall Connector that allows you to restrict charging access directly through Tesla One without having to resort to a physical locking device.


What Charging Access Control Does

The Charging Access Control feature gives you full control over which vehicles are allowed to charge with your Wall Connector. You have four options to choose from:

  • ‘All Vehicles’
  • ‘Only Tesla’
  • ‘Authorised Teslas Only’
  • ‘Compatibility Mode’

This feature is supported by firmware version 21.36.4 and later.

How It Works

Your Wall Connector will only allow charging on your chosen vehicles while blocking charging for other vehicles.

Why It’s Useful

This feature is helpful when your Wall Connector is in a shared location where you want to control who has access; for example, if you live in a multi-unit dwelling where other electric vehicle owners could potentially charge with your Wall Connector without your permission.

Setting Up

To set up and configure the Charging Access Control feature, follow these steps:

  1. Find access control in the Tesla One app.
    Sign in to the Tesla One app and navigate to ‘Access Control’.
  2. Configure Access Control.
    You can choose from three options:
    • ‘All Vehicles’
      This is the default option and will allow charging on all electric vehicles with a matching charge port. To charge with the older generation Tesla Roadster, you will need to pick the 'All Vehicles' option.
    • ‘Only Tesla’
      This option only allows Tesla vehicles to charge.
  • ‘Authorised Teslas Only’
    This option allows you to add up to 10 specified Tesla vehicles by their VIN and assign an optional name. For convenience, the VIN of the last 10 vehicles previously connected to the Wall Connector is made available for selection. The VIN is usually displayed on your windshield and can also be found in the ‘Software’ tab on your vehicle touchscreen.
  • ‘Compatibility Mode’
    To be used if you experience faults with your Wall Connector and your electric vehicle.

Troubleshoot issues related to Access Control.

Why don’t I see the Access Control card or the ‘Authorised Tesla Only’ option when commissioning using Tesla One?

Verify that you have firmware 21.36.4 or later installed on your Wall Connector. If needed, use the ‘Update’ card in your Tesla One App and hit ‘Check for Update.’ If you don’t have the Wall Connector Wi-Fi connected, download and install the latest firmware file.

Why don’t I see the Wall Connector’s Wi-Fi broadcast on my device?

Power cycle the Wall Connector via an upstream breaker or hold down the charging handle button for 5 seconds to restart the Wi-Fi broadcast. In cases where your device can see the Wi-Fi network but have trouble connecting to it, double check the password and try to connect with a different device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is an internet connection required for the Wall Connector to use Access Control?

No. Access Control can be set up without connecting the Wall Connector to your Wi-Fi. However, a Wi-Fi connection is required to receive firmware updates, new features and advanced support.

Can I set up Access Control with any EV?

No. We currently do not support Access Control for vehicles not produced by Tesla. Consider connecting your Wall Connector to Wi-Fi for automatic firmware updates that may support this use case.

Can I temporarily authorise a visitor to charge?

No. We currently do not support a temporary override of the Access Control feature. Consider connecting your Wall Connector to Wi-Fi for automatic firmware updates that may support this use case.

If you have a different Access Control issue, contact Customer Support.